- Why do Ismailis Pray Dua instead of Namaz like many other Muslims?
- What is the difference between Didar, Mulaqat and Darbar?
- Why Do Ismailis Pray Three Times A Day Instead of Five?
- Are Ismailis Required to Fast From Food and Drink During Ramadan?
- Why Do Ismailis Have 7 Pillars Instead of 5? Do the Pillars Comprise the Entirety of Faith?
- Why Do Ismailis Give Dasond, and is Dasond/Zakat the Same as Charity?
- Why do Shias ask Ali for help and not Allah?
- Why Don't Ismailis Perform the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca?
- Do Ismailis contradict Surat al-Fatihah when they pray to the Prophets and Imams for help?
- What is the Purpose of Prayer?
- What is the meaning of Nandi offered in Jamatkhana?
- Why Do Ismailis Seek the Forgiveness of the Imam?
- Why do Ismailis offer Bay'ah to the Imam of the Time?
- Esoteric Meaning (Ta'wil) of 'Id al-Adha
- Why Does Joining a Majlis Require a Monetary Offering? Majlises Explained
- How do Ismaili Muslims perform ablution (wudu) before prayers?
- Why do Ismailis celebrate Nawruz? An esoteric explanation of the ancient festival
- What is Awwal Sufro? Are Ismailis Showing Off Their Wealth in This Ritual?
- Why is the Jamatkhana Restricted to Ismailis During Prayers?
- Why is the Imam's Photograph Being kept in the Jamatkhana? Isn't this Idolatry?