Clarifying Misconceptions of Islam
- How do we know Prophet Muhammad actually existed?
- Did Prophet Muhammad marry a 9-year-old girl?
- Are Muslims Violent? How many Muslims support terrorism?
- Why do Shias ask Ali for help and not Allah?
- What is the Difference between Shia and Sunni Muslims?
- Esoteric Meaning (Ta'wil) of 'Id al-Adha
- Is the Qur'an a Book of Violence?
- Is It Haram to Have Dogs as Pets?
- Is it true that the Quran was never supposed to be written down, but instead passed on by word of mouth?
- Are Women Second-Class Citizens in Islam? The Spiritual Status of the Feminine in Ismailism
- As A Muslim Spiritual Leader, Is it Problematic for the Imam to be Wealthy?
- Does Islam need a Reformation?
- Did Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III support the Nazis and Hitler?
- Why isn't the central Shi'a tenet of Imamah mentioned in the Qur'an as a Pillar of Islam
- Why Do Ismailis Ask Hazir Imam To Forgive Our Sins?
- Was Hazrat Adam the First Human Being on Earth?
- Was Prophet Muhammad illiterate?
- Will the Historical Jesus Return in his Physical Body?
- Why did Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III support negotiating peace with Hitler and the Nazis?
- Is Religion Inherently Violent?