Isma'ili Ta'wil (Esoteric Interpretation)
Ismaili Esoteric interpretations of religious scripture, parables, and sacred history
- Are Ismailis Required to Fast From Food and Drink During Ramadan?
- Esoteric Meaning (Ta'wil) of 'Id al-Adha
- Esoteric meaning (ta'wil) of Hazrat Yunus Spending 40 Days Inside the Belly of the Whale
- What is the esoteric meaning (ta'wil) of Mary's (Maryam) virgin conception?
- Did God Create the Heavens and Earth in Six Days?
- Is It Haram to Have Dogs as Pets?
- How do Ismaili Muslims perform ablution (wudu) before prayers?
- Why do Ismailis celebrate Nawruz? An esoteric explanation of the ancient festival
- The Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of Moses Seeing a Fire on the Mountain
- Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of Ayat al-Nur
- The Real Meaning (Ta'wil) of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood
- Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of Jinn, Angels and Demons
- Was Eve (Hawa) Literally Created From Adam's Rib?
- Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of Jesus Turning Water Into Wine
- Is Zahir and Batin equivalent to Form and Essence? Can the Batin have physical form?
- Eid-ul-Fitr and its Tawil (esoteric interpretation)
- The Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of 'Heavens and Earth' in the Qur'an
- The True Inner Meaning (Ta'wil) of Jesus' Miracles
- Ismaili Interpretation of Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power)
- Ta'wil of To Allah We Belong and to Him We Return